Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • The “Cream of the Crop” monograph is the first in the Forest & Agriculture series. The research in this monograph…

    Cream of the Crop – Vol. 1 No. 20

  • In this FACTivity, you will use every-day materials to explore how root size impacts the exchange of materials between roots…

    FACTivity – Cream of the Crop

  • In this FACTivity, you will build a physical representation, or a model, of a beaver dam. Some of the questions…

    FACTivity – Logjams and Beaver Dams

  • Everyone needs fresh water to live, but fresh water is limited and precious. Learn about the importance of fresh water,…

    Fresh Water LIVE

  • This lesson plan will have students read “Cream of the Crop” and answer the questions associated with it. After, they…

    Lesson Plan – Cream of the Crop

  • Carbon is naturally stored in the environment. In fact, carbon is in every living thing. Some habitats are better at…

    Logjams and Beaver Dams – Vol. 1 No. 18