Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Termites are well known pests that can impact homes and other buildings. However, termites also play an important role in…

    Chew on This! (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 12

  • In this research study, scientists try to understand the impact of termites on forest wood decomposition in the Southern United…

    Chew on This! Measuring the Impact of Termites on Forest Wood

  • After reading “Chew on This,” test your knowledge with an eyeChallenge. Explain what each of these images from the article…

    eyeChallenge – Chew on This!

  • Lumber is an important product from trees. When two countries export goods to one another, international policies may exist to…

    Goodbye Nematodes! Heat-Treating Southern Pine Lumber

  • Lumber is an important product from trees. When two countries export goods to one another, international policies may exist to…

    Goodbye Nematodes! Heat-Treating Southern Pine Lumber (Spanish)

  • In the Spring 1999 edition, learn about a variety of topics from the Southern Research Station as well as types…

    Spring 1999 – Spanish

  • In the Spring 1999 edition, learn about a variety of topics from the Southern Research Station as well as types…

    Spring 1999 – Vol. 1 No. 2

  • Termites have been a concern to scientists in the Southeastern United States for many years. Termites are common across the…

    Time Warp – Chew on This!

  • Test your knowledge of the lumber industry and nematodes with a word search.

    Word Search – Goodbye Nematodes