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  • Meet fire ecologists, fire prevention specialists, fuels technicians, air support personnel, firefighters, & more in the 24-card Fire Careers pack.…

    Forest Service Fire Career Cards

  • In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for…

    Keeping It Local: How Federal Wildfire Policy Is Implemented at the Local Level

  • This edition of the Natural Inquirer is all about wildland fire. You will learn about the benefits of wildland fire,…

    Wildland Fire – Spanish

  • This edition of the Natural Inquirer is all about wildland fire. You will learn about the benefits of wildland fire,…

    Wildland Fire – Vol. 4 No. 1

  • This journal focuses on wildland fire. Wildland fire is any fire occurring in vegetation areas, regardless of how it was…

    Wildland Fire 2 – Vol. 13 No. 1