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  • In this FACTivity, you will use the findings from this study to draw a conclusion about the possible danger from…

    And Then There Were Nun FACTivity

  • The nun moth is a major pest of conifers and an occasional pest of broadleaf trees in Europe and Asia.…

    And Then There Were Nun: Trees That Could Be Endangered by a Nun Moth Invasion

  • Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you…

    Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) – Vol. 3 No. 1

  • Frogs are a species of amphibian. In recent years, there has been a decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide.…

    As the Frog Hops: What Routes Do Frogs Travel in Mountain Environments?

  • The tree line is the edge of a habitat at which trees are capable of growing. In this study, the…

    Back to the Future: Using Dead Trees to Predict Future Climates

  • What is bioenergy? “Bio-” is related to living or once living things. Bioenergy is a source of energy that uses…

    Bioenergy – Vol. 9 No. 1

  • Bristlecone pines have an interesting relationship with fire. When a fire occurs, it may open a once-closed area to sunlight.…

    Can We Grow Now? Helping Bristlecone Pine Trees To Take Root and Grow

  • In 1964, Congress passed a law that established the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS). This law identified areas of Federal…

    Can You Hear Me Now? Using the Telephone to Discover People’s Opinions About Wilderness

  • Particulate organic matter (POM), which consists of small pieces of twigs, leaves, soil, and other items found in the water,…

    Caribbean Cruise: Examining the Movement and Quality of Organic Matter Over Time From Two Caribbean Watersheds

  • Is the climate changing over time? You may have heard different opinions about climate change. In the past few years,…

    Climate Change – Vol. 14 No. 1

  • Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer serving students in grades 4 or higher. This Investi-gator edition focuses on…

    Climate Change Investi-gator (Pacific Northwest Research Station) – Vol. 1 No. 2

  • After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the…

    Create a Phrase – Show Me the Money