Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Try out the eyeChallenge after reading “Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire.” Each of the following images represents something from the…

    eyeChallenge – Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

  • The Fall 1998 edition focuses on a variety of natural science topics, including wildfire smoke, outdoor recreation, and dogwood anthracnose.…

    Fall 1998 – Spanish

  • The Fall 1998 edition focuses on a variety of natural science topics, including wildfire smoke, outdoor recreation, and dogwood anthracnose.…

    Fall 1998 – Vol. 1 No. 1

  • Meet fire ecologists, fire prevention specialists, fuels technicians, air support personnel, firefighters, & more in the 24-card Fire Careers pack.…

    Forest Service Fire Career Cards

  • Smoke from wildland fires contains hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals can be gases, liquids, or solid forms. The effects of…

    Let’s Clear the Air: The Danger of Forest Fire Smoke to Firefighters

  • Smoke from wildland fires contains hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals can be gases, liquids, or solid forms. The effects of…

    Let’s Clear the Air: The Danger of Forest Fire Smoke to Firefighters (Spanish)

  • Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission.…

    Meet Smokey Bear’s Team

  • Meet Smokey Bear and some of the people who work with him to prevent human-caused wildfires! This Reader is written…

    Meet Smokey Bear’s Team – Vol. 1 No. 12

  • Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or…

    On Top of Old Smokey: Computer Wind Model for Predicting Smoke Movement

  • Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or…

    On Top of Old Smokey: Computer Wind Model for Predicting Smoke Movement (Spanish)

  • Some kinds of forest fires can be beneficial to the natural environment and to people. Fire is a normal event…

    Smoke and Mirrors: Detecting the Amount of Gases in Wildland Fire Smoke

  • Some kinds of forest fires can be beneficial to the natural environment and to people. Fire is a normal event…

    Smoke and Mirrors: Detecting the Amount of Gases in Wildland Fire Smoke (Spanish)