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Learn about fire science with this more advanced coloring book with more intricate line drawings!
Advanced Fire Scientist Coloring Book
Learn about fire science with this more advanced coloring book with more intricate line drawings!
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the…
Attack of the Killer Anthracnose! Control of Dogwood Anthracnose
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the country is the dogwood. The dogwood is affected by a...
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the…
Attack of the Killer Anthracnose! Control of Dogwood Anthracnose (Spanish)
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the country is the dogwood. The dogwood is affected by a...
Bristlecone pines have an interesting relationship with fire. When a fire occurs, it may open a once-closed area to sunlight.…
Can We Grow Now? Helping Bristlecone Pine Trees To Take Root and Grow
Bristlecone pines have an interesting relationship with fire. When a fire occurs, it may open a once-closed area to sunlight. When this happens, bristlecone pine seedlings get a chance to...
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on…
Controlling the Rust Is a Must! Detection of a Major Gene for Rust Resistance to Fusiform Rust Disease
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on Fusiform Rust Disease has progressed over the years. There is...
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on…
Controlling the Rust Is a Must! Detection of a Major Gene for Rust Resistance to Fusiform Rust Disease (Spanish)
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on Fusiform Rust Disease has progressed over the years. There is...
In this FACTivity, you will learn about the American chestnut tree and compare its story to the threat of sudden…
FACTivity – Moving Spore-adically
In this FACTivity, you will learn about the American chestnut tree and compare its story to the threat of sudden oak death disease .
The Fall 1998 edition focuses on a variety of natural science topics, including wildfire smoke, outdoor recreation, and dogwood anthracnose.…
Fall 1998 – Spanish
The Fall 1998 edition focuses on a variety of natural science topics, including wildfire smoke, outdoor recreation, and dogwood anthracnose. This edition of the Natural Inquirer was the very first...
The Fall 1998 edition focuses on a variety of natural science topics, including wildfire smoke, outdoor recreation, and dogwood anthracnose.…
Fall 1998 – Vol. 1 No. 1
The Fall 1998 edition focuses on a variety of natural science topics, including wildfire smoke, outdoor recreation, and dogwood anthracnose. This edition of the Natural Inquirer was the very first...
In this edition of Natural Inquirer, you will learn about several different invasive species. Invasive species are plants, animals, or…
Invasive Species – Vol. 8 No. 1
In this edition of Natural Inquirer, you will learn about several different invasive species. Invasive species are plants, animals, or organisms that are not native to the ecosystem they are...
Sudden oak death is a new disease of trees and plants in the United States and Europe. Although scientists are not certain,…
Moving Spore-adically: The Spread of Sudden Oak Death in California Forests
Sudden oak death is a new disease of trees and plants in the United States and Europe. Although scientists are not certain, they believe the fungus-like organism that causes sudden oak death was brought...
In 1908, the Forest Service established a system of experiment forests and ranges (EFRs) to be set aside for environmental…
Spotlight – Black Hills Experimental Forest
In 1908, the Forest Service established a system of experiment forests and ranges (EFRs) to be set aside for environmental research. Black Hills Experimental Forest is 1,376 hectares in the...