Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the…
Create a Phrase – Show Me the Money
After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the other to create a phrase from the article.
After reading “Cream of the Crop,” see if you can complete this create-a-phrase challenge. Draw a line from a word…
Create-A-Phrase – Cream of the Crop
After reading “Cream of the Crop,” see if you can complete this create-a-phrase challenge. Draw a line from a word in the left column to a word in the right...
After reading “Knock on Wood,” try this create-a-phrase challenge. Draw a line from a word in the left column to…
Create-A-Phrase Challenge – Knock on Wood
After reading “Knock on Wood,” try this create-a-phrase challenge. Draw a line from a word in the left column to a word in the right column to create a phrase...
After reading the Citizen Science edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Crossword – Citizen Science
After reading the Citizen Science edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Test your knowledge on ecosystems, vegetation, and erosion.
Crossword – Ecosystem Services
Test your knowledge on ecosystems, vegetation, and erosion.
Test your knowledge on alluvial soil, watersheds, and fish.
Crossword – Food for the Soil
Test your knowledge on alluvial soil, watersheds, and fish.
After reading “Wilderness 2.0,” test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Crossword – Wilderness 2.0
After reading “Wilderness 2.0,” test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
If the temperature of a stream rises too high, the animals that live in the stream may find it difficult…
Did They Make the Gradient? Climate and Stream Temperatures Now and Into the Future
If the temperature of a stream rises too high, the animals that live in the stream may find it difficult to survive. Big changes in a stream’s daytime temperature as...
The scientists in this study wanted to know if cars parked in shady parking lots emit fewer gases than cars parked in…
Don’t Be So Fuel-ish! How Much Fuel Is Saved When Cars Are Parked in the Shade?
The scientists in this study wanted to know if cars parked in shady parking lots emit fewer gases than cars parked in sunny parking lots. If that is the case, it would give...
From 1920 to 1950, a tree species called albizia (Falcataria moluccana) was brought to Hawai‘i from islands located north and…
Don’t Litter the Stream: An Invasive Tree Species and a Hawaiian Stream Food Web
From 1920 to 1950, a tree species called albizia (Falcataria moluccana) was brought to Hawai‘i from islands located north and northeast of Australia. A fast-growing tree, albizia now grows all...
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps…
Ecosystem Services – Vol. 12 No. 1
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps cycle nutrients, and bats act as insect control. Ecosystem services...
After reading “A Flame Changer,” test your knowledge with this eyeChallenge. Each image is from the article; can you explain…
eyeChallenge – A Flame Changer
After reading “A Flame Changer,” test your knowledge with this eyeChallenge. Each image is from the article; can you explain what each one represents?