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  • Hibernating bat populations across the Eastern United States have suffered declines since the 2000s. Little brown bat populations have declined…

    Cave Conundrum: Is White-Nose Syndrome Responsible for All Declining Bat Populations?

  • The Caves and Karst edition of Natural Inquirer examines research on a variety of topics including white-nose syndrome in bats,…

    Caves and Karst Natural Inquirer – Vol. 20 No. 1

  • A world of wonder awaits just below the surface, and this distance learning adventure explores these amazing places. Specially adapted…

    Caves LIVE

  • As the climate changes, the tree species living in a forest may also change. This change means that some trees…

    Cedar Waxing or Waning? The Potential to Save Yellow-Cedar Trees Using Adaptive Management

  • Termites are well known pests that can impact homes and other buildings. However, termites also play an important role in…

    Chew on This! (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 12

  • In this research study, scientists try to understand the impact of termites on forest wood decomposition in the Southern United…

    Chew on This! Measuring the Impact of Termites on Forest Wood

  • Is the climate changing over time? You may have heard different opinions about climate change. In the past few years,…

    Climate Change – Vol. 14 No. 1

  • Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer serving students in grades 4 or higher. This Investi-gator edition focuses on…

    Climate Change Investi-gator (Pacific Northwest Research Station) – Vol. 1 No. 2

  • Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on…

    Controlling the Rust Is a Must! Detection of a Major Gene for Rust Resistance to Fusiform Rust Disease

  • Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on…

    Controlling the Rust Is a Must! Detection of a Major Gene for Rust Resistance to Fusiform Rust Disease (Spanish)

  • The “Cream of the Crop” monograph is the first in the Forest & Agriculture series. The research in this monograph…

    Cream of the Crop – Vol. 1 No. 20

  • The research in this monograph looks at the use of prairie strips, which are strips of native prairie plants that…

    Cream of the Crop: Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Prairie Strips