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The messages of Smokey Bear have spread across the globe. Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about…
A Burning Question – Vol. 1 No. 19
The messages of Smokey Bear have spread across the globe. Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s...
The second monograph in Natural Inquirer’s Pollinators series, this monograph explores the connection between fire and native insect pollinators. In…
A Flame Changer – Vol. 1 No. 25
The second monograph in Natural Inquirer’s Pollinators series, this monograph explores the connection between fire and native insect pollinators. In the welcome essay, students will learn about the variety of...
The scientists who worked on this study wanted to focus on the effect of people’s environments on their mental health.…
A Green Bill of Health – Can Vacant Lot Treatments Impact Mental Health?
The scientists who worked on this study wanted to focus on the effect of people’s environments on their mental health. The scientists identified vacant lots throughout Philadelphia. They wanted to...
This is the first monograph in Natural Inquirer‘s Nature Health Benefits series. In “A Green Bill of Health,” students will…
A Green Bill of Health – Vol. 1 No. 26
This is the first monograph in Natural Inquirer‘s Nature Health Benefits series. In “A Green Bill of Health,” students will learn about how different vacant lot treatments in Philadelphia impacted...
The nun moth is a major pest of conifers and an occasional pest of broadleaf trees in Europe and Asia.…
And Then There Were Nun: Trees That Could Be Endangered by a Nun Moth Invasion
The nun moth is a major pest of conifers and an occasional pest of broadleaf trees in Europe and Asia. The scientist in this study wanted to discover which trees...
Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you…
Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) – Vol. 3 No. 1
Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you will learn many interesting facts about the Southwestern United States....
The scientists in this study developed a process to help managers identify management priorities. As conditions change over time, the…
At Your Service: Developing Models to Help Natural Resource Managers Make Better Decisions
The scientists in this study developed a process to help managers identify management priorities. As conditions change over time, the managers wanted to adapt their management priorities to fit the...
The tree line is the edge of a habitat at which trees are capable of growing. In this study, the…
Back to the Future: Using Dead Trees to Predict Future Climates
The tree line is the edge of a habitat at which trees are capable of growing. In this study, the scientists wanted to examine dead trees that they found above...
Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss…
Balancing Act: Urban Trees and the Carbon Cycle
Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss of trees. Urban trees help to keep urban areas cooler,...
Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the…
Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA)
Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the land, it is still important to understand the history and...
Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the…
Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA) (Spanish)
Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the land, it is still important to understand the history and...
What is bioenergy? “Bio-” is related to living or once living things. Bioenergy is a source of energy that uses…
Bioenergy – Vol. 9 No. 1
What is bioenergy? “Bio-” is related to living or once living things. Bioenergy is a source of energy that uses living or once living things. It is not used as...