Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • The messages of Smokey Bear have spread across the globe. Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about…

    A Burning Question – Vol. 1 No. 19

  • Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s…

    A Burning Question: Is An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?

  • One of the historic uses of wood was for heating. In recent years, however, most heating in the United States…

    A Chip Off the Old Block: Using Wood Energy to Heat Schools

  • Open forest ecosystems, like those of longleaf pine or loblolly pine, are managed with regular fires to support native plants…

    A Flame Changer – How Fire Diversity Affects Bee and Butterfly Populations

  • The second monograph in Natural Inquirer’s Pollinators series, this monograph explores the connection between fire and native insect pollinators. In…

    A Flame Changer – Vol. 1 No. 25

  • What is bioenergy? “Bio-” is related to living or once living things. Bioenergy is a source of energy that uses…

    Bioenergy – Vol. 9 No. 1

  • In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk…

    Chip and Truck: Comparing the Cost of Using Trees to Heat Buildings

  • After reading “A Flame Changer,” test your knowledge with this eyeChallenge. Each image is from the article; can you explain…

    eyeChallenge – A Flame Changer

  • Try out the eyeChallenge after reading “Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire.” Each of the following images represents something from the…

    eyeChallenge – Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How would I use technology to communicate wildland fire safety in…

    FACTivity – Fire and Water

  • The historian in this study was interested in understanding the impact of the 1910 fires on fire policy and American…

    Fight or Light? The History and Impact of the Big Fires of 1910

  • The California gnatcatcher is a little bird with a big problem. Its habitat has been reduced 80 percent by people…

    Fighting Fire with Fire: Protecting the Homes of People and Birds