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  • The messages of Smokey Bear have spread across the globe. Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about…

    A Burning Question – Vol. 1 No. 19

  • Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s…

    A Burning Question: Is An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?

  • One of the historic uses of wood was for heating. In recent years, however, most heating in the United States…

    A Chip Off the Old Block: Using Wood Energy to Heat Schools

  • Open forest ecosystems, like those of longleaf pine or loblolly pine, are managed with regular fires to support native plants…

    A Flame Changer – How Fire Diversity Affects Bee and Butterfly Populations

  • The second monograph in Natural Inquirer’s Pollinators series, this monograph explores the connection between fire and native insect pollinators. In…

    A Flame Changer – Vol. 1 No. 25

  • Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) once could be found from southeastern Virginia to eastern Texas. Longleaf pines are not usually killed…

    aPods Rule! What Happens to Arthropods Following a Wildland Fire?

  • In the Western United States, shallow rocky soils and a dry climate often make it hard for new trees to…

    Are We Having Fungi Yet? Helping Young Trees Grow

  • In the Western United States, shallow rocky soils and a dry climate often make it hard for new trees to…

    Are We Having Fungi Yet? Helping Young Trees Grow (Spanish)

  • What is bioenergy? “Bio-” is related to living or once living things. Bioenergy is a source of energy that uses…

    Bioenergy – Vol. 9 No. 1

  • In the Western United States, many of the forests have too many small trees. These small trees increase the risk…

    Chip and Truck: Comparing the Cost of Using Trees to Heat Buildings

  • Color in the firefighter bee!

    Coloring Page – Meet Dr. Goodrick!

  • Color in the firefighter bee!

    Coloring Page – Meet Dr. Goodrick! (Spanish)