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Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily…
Dew It! Which Weather Measurements are Related to the Occurrence of Wildland Fire?
Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily weather conditions are the best for determining the danger of...
Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily…
Dew It! Which Weather Measurements are Related to the Occurrence of Wildland Fire? (Spanish)
Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily weather conditions are the best for determining the danger of...
Meet fire ecologists, fire prevention specialists, fuels technicians, air support personnel, fire fighters, & more in the 24-card Fire Careers…
Forest Service Fire Career Cards
Meet fire ecologists, fire prevention specialists, fuels technicians, air support personnel, fire fighters, & more in the 24-card Fire Careers pack. Learn about a variety of fire-related careers in the...
Scientists explore if and how climate and weather are connected to very large wildland fires to help predict and prepare…
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 14
Scientists explore if and how climate and weather are connected to very large wildland fires to help predict and prepare for future events. This monograph is part of the Time...