Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • The messages of Smokey Bear have spread across the globe. Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about…

    A Burning Question – Vol. 1 No. 19

  • Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily…
  • Although scientists know that many weeks of low rainfall increase the chances of wildfires, they do not know which daily…
  • Successfully predicting where and when wildfires might occur is important. This prediction is important because of possible environmental and economic…

    Fire and Water: Predicting Future Wildfires in a Changing Climate

  • Meet fire ecologists, fire prevention specialists, fuels technicians, air support personnel, firefighters, & more in the 24-card Fire Careers pack.…

    Forest Service Fire Career Cards

  • The scientists in this study were interested in three common periodic changes in sea surface temperatures, called oscillations. In particular,…

    It’s a Small World: How Oceans and Climates Can Affect Wildland Fires Thousands of Miles Away

  • Below you will find a compilation of all of the climate change resources we have to offer. Listed by grade…

    Learning Module – Climate Change

  • When lightning or other forms of ignition start a fire in a forest, there is a chance of a wildfire. Wildfires may be started…

    Liar, Liar, House on Fire! The Relationship Between Trees, Wildland Fire, and Damage to Homes

  • When lightning or other forms of ignition start a fire in a forest, there is a chance of a wildfire. Wildfires may be started…

    Liar, Liar, House on Fire! The Relationship Between Trees, Wildland Fire, and Damage to Homes (Spanish)

  • Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or…

    On Top of Old Smokey: Computer Wind Model for Predicting Smoke Movement

  • Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or…

    On Top of Old Smokey: Computer Wind Model for Predicting Smoke Movement (Spanish)

  • In this 55-minute video, Smokey Bear and his friends discuss specific wildfire prevention topics such as: fire science, good fire…

    Smokey Bear LIVE 3