Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you…

    Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) – Vol. 3 No. 1

  • Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss…

    Balancing Act: Urban Trees and the Carbon Cycle

  • Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the…

    Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA)

  • Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the…

    Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA) (Spanish)

  • What is bioenergy? “Bio-” is related to living or once living things. Bioenergy is a source of energy that uses…

    Bioenergy – Vol. 9 No. 1

  • A world of wonder awaits just below the surface, and this distance learning adventure explores these amazing places. Specially adapted…

    Caves LIVE

  • The “Cream of the Crop” monograph is the first in the Forest & Agriculture series. The research in this monograph…

    Cream of the Crop – Vol. 1 No. 20

  • The research in this monograph looks at the use of prairie strips, which are strips of native prairie plants that…

    Cream of the Crop: Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Prairie Strips

  • After reading “Cream of the Crop,” see if you can complete this create-a-phrase challenge. Draw a line from a word…

    Create-A-Phrase – Cream of the Crop

  • Test your knowledge on ecosystems, vegetation, and erosion.

    Crossword – Ecosystem Services

  • After reading “Wilderness 2.0,” test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.

    Crossword – Wilderness 2.0

  • The scientists in this study wanted to know if cars parked in shady parking lots emit fewer gases than cars parked in…

    Don’t Be So Fuel-ish! How Much Fuel Is Saved When Cars Are Parked in the Shade?