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What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school,…
Urban Forest – Vol. 6 No. 1
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school, work, and play. Even if you live in a rural...
The scientists in this study were interested in exploring how the environmental conditions for wildlife species might change as landowners…
Which Wood You Choose? – Forest Landowners’ Selection of Trees for Planting Forests Can Have Different Outcomes
The scientists in this study were interested in exploring how the environmental conditions for wildlife species might change as landowners make decisions about replanting trees after harvesting. The scientists know...
People have many different kinds of values. They might value their family, home, and country, as well as their favorite t-shirt or…
Whitewater Rafting Measures Up! The Value of Guided Rafting on Southern Rivers
People have many different kinds of values. They might value their family, home, and country, as well as their favorite t-shirt or place to play. Many kinds of activities are done outside, such...
People have many different kinds of values. They might value their family, home, and country, as well as their favorite t-shirt or…
Whitewater Rafting Measures Up! The Value of Guided Rafting on Southern Rivers (Spanish)
People have many different kinds of values. They might value their family, home, and country, as well as their favorite t-shirt or place to play. Many kinds of activities are done outside, such...
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth…
Who Gives a Hoot? Determining the Value of Owl Habitat
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth forests, like all forests, may catch fire and be damaged...
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth…
Who Gives a Hoot? Determining the Value of Owl Habitat (Spanish)
The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth forests, like all forests, may catch fire and be damaged...
One of the ways that social scientists determine how much benefit people receive from something is to find out how…
Wilderness Makes Cents! How Much Are People Willing To Pay for Wilderness?
One of the ways that social scientists determine how much benefit people receive from something is to find out how much they would be willing to pay for it. In...
This edition of the Natural Inquirer is all about wildland fire. You will learn about the benefits of wildland fire,…
Wildland Fire – Spanish
This edition of the Natural Inquirer is all about wildland fire. You will learn about the benefits of wildland fire, as well as some of its dangers. You will learn...
This edition of the Natural Inquirer is all about wildland fire. You will learn about the benefits of wildland fire,…
Wildland Fire – Vol. 4 No. 1
This edition of the Natural Inquirer is all about wildland fire. You will learn about the benefits of wildland fire, as well as some of its dangers. You will learn...
Test your knowledge about economics and recreation with a word search.
Word Search – Whitewater Rafting Measures Up
Test your knowledge about economics and recreation with a word search.
The scientists in this study were interested in knowing whether the benefits provided by trees are valued by people buying…
Yard Sale! How Trees Affect the Selling Price of Houses
The scientists in this study were interested in knowing whether the benefits provided by trees are valued by people buying a new house. They also wanted to know how much...