Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • In this FACTivity, you will use the data provided in a table to calculate the results of a planting program…

    FACTivity – Endangered Plants (Left High and Dry)

  • In this FACTivity, you will choose an animal to study that lives in the United States and create an Animal…

    FACTivity – Fish-ing Around

  • In this FACTivity, you will answer the following question: Does viewing a photograph of a flower provide a benefit to…

    FACTivity – Flower Power

  • You and your class will conduct a survey. You and your fellow students will each interview one other person. After…

    FACTivity – Interviews

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How many birds do I notice in my schoolyard habitat? Materials:…

    FACTivity – Invasion of the Song Snatcher

  • The question you will answer with this FACTivity is: What are some of the things that make a visit to…

    FACTivity – It’s Elemental, My Dear!

  • In this FACTivity, you will get together with other students and brainstorm a list of challenges or concerns at your…

    FACTivity – Keeping It Local

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: If people are able to restore degraded ecosystems, is it acceptable…

    FACTivity – Left High and Dry

  • In this FACTivity, you will try different methods of collecting data about types of shoes worn at your school. The…

    FACTivity – Lion in Wait

  • In this FACTivity, you will become a citizen scientist by collecting phenology data from your school, town, or home using…

    FACTivity – Nature’s Notebook

  • The question you will answer by doing this FACTivity is: What is the status and probable future of a current…

    FACTivity – One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish?

  • The question you will answer by doing this FACTivity is: What is the status and probable future of a current…

    FACTivity – One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? (Spanish)