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  • Caves are important natural features in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California. Past studies of some of these…

    A Tale of Two Caves: How Is Hurricane Crawl Cave Different From Crystal Cave?

  • Climate change can change the breeding patterns of some animals. Breeding patterns refer to when and how animals reproduce, including…

    Amphibious Assault: How Climate Change May Affect Amphibian Breeding

  • Investi-gator is a sister publication to Natural Inquirer, serving students in grades 4 or higher. In this Investi-gator edition, you…

    Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States Investi-gator (Rocky Mountain Research Station) – Vol. 3 No. 1

  • Leaves change color in the fall. Cooler temperatures in the fall cause the chlorophyll in leaves to break down. When…

    Are You Red-dy to Change? Learning What Things Affect Leaf Color Change

  • The scientists in this study developed a process to help managers identify management priorities. As conditions change over time, the…

    At Your Service: Developing Models to Help Natural Resource Managers Make Better Decisions

  • The tree line is the edge of a habitat at which trees are capable of growing. In this study, the…

    Back to the Future: Using Dead Trees to Predict Future Climates

  • Is there a point when a tree doesn’t hold enough carbon to make up for the emissions released to care…

    Balancing Act – Climate Change Monograph Series Vol. 1 No. 3

  • Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is mostly caused by two things: burning fossil fuels and the loss…

    Balancing Act: Urban Trees and the Carbon Cycle

  • In “Batter Up,” learn about how engineers designed a test to determine baseball bat breakage rates for different types of…

    Batter Up: Investigating What Type of Wood Makes the Best Baseball Bat

  • Put your feet up in the dugout and flip through “Batter Up!,” the final edition in the Time Warp Series.…

    Batter Up! (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 17

  • In this study, the scientists wanted to test a method of calculating the amount of carbon stored by plants across…

    Beam Me Down, Scotty: The Use of Airborne and Satellite Technology to Measure Carbon in Hawaiian Forests

  • Mountain pine beetles are important to the Western United States. They have a very special life cycle, that includes staying…

    Beetles Are Supercool! Climate Change Monograph Series – Vol. 1 No. 2