Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students meet…

    Meet Dr. Jovan!

  • Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students will…

    Meet Dr. Jovan! – Vol. 1 No. 9

  • NSI: Nature Science Investigator (NSI) is a self-guided activity book for children ages 8-14. The booklet enables each student to…

    NSI: Nature Science Investigator

  • NSI: Nature Science Investigator (NSI) is a self-guided activity book for children ages 8-14. The booklet enables each student to…

    NSI: Nature Science Investigator – Spanish

  • The scientists in this study wanted to answer two questions: (1) How many people in the United States are projected…

    Pack to Back: Investigating Backpacking and Other Backcountry and Wilderness Activities

  • Can you imagine observing, recording, and reporting the weather every single day? That is what Richard G. Hendrickson did—for 85…

    Spotlight – Citizen Science for Life

  • This spotlight outlines some ways to incorporate citizen science in the classroom, including advice from Victoria Houser, a Forest Service…

    Spotlight – Citizen Science in the Classroom

  • Woodsy Owl wants you to Lend a Hand, Care for the Land! Help him out by engaging in a citizen…

    Spotlight – Citizen Science Resources

  • This spotlight explores how data collected by non-scientists can be used by scientists. The USA National Phenology Network is an…

    Spotlight – Nature’s Notebook: Taking a Pulse of Our Planet

  • This spotlight features one of the citizen science projects people can join, the Monarch Larva Monitoring Program. In the 1990s,…

    Spotlight – The Monarch Larva Monitoring Program: Citizen Scientists Monitor Monarch Butterflies

  • A food forest looks like a regular forest, but its plants also provide fresh fruits, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, and vegetables.…

    Spotlight – What Is a Food Forest?

  • The Youth Forest Monitoring Program (YFMP) is a summer internship program for students in grades 9 12. Participants learn about…

    Spotlight – Youth Forest Monitoring Program