Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Help Busy Bee complete each statement by filling in the blanks for missing words. Use what you’ve learned about watersheds,…

    Busy Bee Word Challenge – Full Throttle Model

  • Test your understanding after reading the Citizen Science edition of Natural Inquirer. Each image is taken from an article in…

    eyeChallenge – Citizen Science

  • After reading “Full Throttle Model,” see how much you learned by completing this eyeChallenge. Examine these images from the article…

    eyeChallenge – Full Throttle Model

  • To better understand songbird habitat, Dr. Saab wanted to look at the big picture. In this FACTivity, we are going…

    FACTivity – Goldifinch and the Three Scales

  • To better understand songbird habitat, Dr. Saab wanted to look at the big picture. In this FACTivity, we are going…

    FACTivity – Goldifinch and the Three Scales (Spanish)

  • In this FACTivity, you will make a graph of the Air Quality Index numbers for each of five major cities…

    FACTivity – Hidden in Plain Sight

  • In this FACTivity, you will create a forest management plan for a 1-hectare (or 1-acre) forest. You will make this…

    FACTivity – Planning Your Own Forest

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How can a series of Landsat images help scientists estimate a…

    FACTivity – The GLAS Is Half Full

  • In this activity, students will explore their schoolyard at different scales. The question students will answer is: What are the…

    FACTivity – Thinking Outside the Box

  • In this study, researchers worked with middle and high school students to collect moss samples around industrial neighborhoods in Seattle,…

    Hidden in Plain Sight – Using Moss to Detect Air Pollution and Engage Civic Scientists

  • In the second monograph in the Moon Trees Series, learn about a civic science project where middle and high school…

    Hidden in Plain Sight – Vol. 1 No. 27

  • Different types of forests are found across the planet. In one area, a forest may be dry with little vegetation.…

    Inquiry 1: What Are the World’s Forests and Where Are They Found?