Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
Help Busy Bee complete each statement by filling in the blanks for missing words. Use what you’ve learned about watersheds,…
Busy Bee Word Challenge – Full Throttle Model
Help Busy Bee complete each statement by filling in the blanks for missing words. Use what you’ve learned about watersheds, pollution, and the Great Lakes in “Full Throttle Model” to...
Test your understanding after reading the Citizen Science edition of Natural Inquirer. Each image is taken from an article in…
eyeChallenge – Citizen Science
Test your understanding after reading the Citizen Science edition of Natural Inquirer. Each image is taken from an article in the journal. Explain what each of the images represents. You...
After reading “Full Throttle Model,” see how much you learned by completing this eyeChallenge. Examine these images from the article…
eyeChallenge – Full Throttle Model
After reading “Full Throttle Model,” see how much you learned by completing this eyeChallenge. Examine these images from the article and explain what each of these images represents. You may...
To better understand songbird habitat, Dr. Saab wanted to look at the big picture. In this FACTivity, we are going…
FACTivity – Goldifinch and the Three Scales
To better understand songbird habitat, Dr. Saab wanted to look at the big picture. In this FACTivity, we are going to make observations at different scales, just like Dr. Saab....
To better understand songbird habitat, Dr. Saab wanted to look at the big picture. In this FACTivity, we are going…
FACTivity – Goldifinch and the Three Scales (Spanish)
To better understand songbird habitat, Dr. Saab wanted to look at the big picture. In this FACTivity, we are going to make observations at different scales, just like Dr. Saab....
In this FACTivity, you will create a forest management plan for a 1-hectare (or 1-acre) forest. You will make this…
FACTivity – Planning Your Own Forest
In this FACTivity, you will create a forest management plan for a 1-hectare (or 1-acre) forest. You will make this plan by using the Planning Your Own Forest Graphic Organizer....
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How can a series of Landsat images help scientists estimate a…
FACTivity – The GLAS Is Half Full
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How can a series of Landsat images help scientists estimate a forest’s age over time?
In this activity, students will explore their schoolyard at different scales. The question students will answer is: What are the…
FACTivity – Thinking Outside the Box
In this activity, students will explore their schoolyard at different scales. The question students will answer is: What are the similarities and differences of the schoolyard ecosystem at different scales?
Different types of forests are found across the planet. In one area, a forest may be dry with little vegetation.…
Inquiry 1: What Are the World’s Forests and Where Are They Found?
Different types of forests are found across the planet. In one area, a forest may be dry with little vegetation. In another, a forest may contain large trees that grow...
Across the planet, different types of forests are found. One reason different forest types exist is because they grow under…
Inquiry 1: What Kind of Forests Grow on Earth and How Do They Differ?
Across the planet, different types of forests are found. One reason different forest types exist is because they grow under different climates. Another reason is that human activities have changed...
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Inquiry 2: What Benefits Do the World’s Forests Provide?
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Learn more about how people around the world are planning and maintaining healthy forests.
Inquiry 3: Healthy Forests Now and Into the Future
Learn more about how people around the world are planning and maintaining healthy forests.