Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Test your knowledge on alluvial soil, watersheds, and fish.
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    Crossword – Food for the Soil

  • Test your knowledge on contamination, floodplains, and watersheds.
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    Crossword – Freshwater

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What is the relationship between the level of chemicals in a…
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    FACTivity – Sediment-al Journey

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How do air temperature patterns relate to a yearly natural event,…
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    FACTivity – Timed Travel

  • The scientists in this study wanted to figure out how forest management, climate change, and streamflow interact. First, the scientists…
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    Flow Down! Can Managing Forests Help Maintain Water Supplies in the Face of Climate Change?

  • In this article, learn about soils and the amount of salmon-derived nutrients (SDN) in Southeast Alaska! Salmon-derived nutrients are nutrients…
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    Food for the Soil: Soil and the Amount of Salmon-Derived Nutrients in Southeast Alaska

  • Until the early 1950s, people mined copper, gold, and silver in the Beartooth Mountains in Montana. During mining operations, the…
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    Let Nature Take Its Course: Helping the Environment Take Care of Itself

  • Until the early 1950s, people mined copper, gold, and silver in the Beartooth Mountains in Montana. During mining operations, the…
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    Let Nature Take Its Course: Helping the Environment Take Care of Itself (Spanish)

  • Mussels are very sensitive to changes in the environment which makes them good indicators of the health of an aquatic…
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    Mussel Mania: How Streamflow Affects Freshwater Mussels Over Long Time Periods

  • In 1956, the United States established a national park on one of the Virgin Islands. The United Nations named the national park a Biosphere…
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    Oooh! That’s Growth! Measuring Trees in Cinnamon Bay Watershed

  • In 1956, the United States established a national park on one of the Virgin Islands. The United Nations named the national park a Biosphere…
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    Oooh! That’s Growth! Measuring Trees in Cinnamon Bay Watershed (Spanish)

  • Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients…
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    Should Ditches be Graded? Testing Unpaved Roads with a Computer Program