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Test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle after reading the Hawai’i-Pacific Islands edition of Natural Inquirer.
Crossword – Hawai’i-Pacific Islands
Test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle after reading the Hawai’i-Pacific Islands edition of Natural Inquirer.
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help…
Mangrove Mania: How Elevation Change and Sea-Level Rise Affect Mangrove Forests
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help protect coastlines. The mangrove forests provide protection for the villages,...
A naturalized species has two ranges. The first range is the one where the species lives in its native habitat.…
North of the Border: Are Nonnative Species Moving Northward As the Climate Changes?
A naturalized species has two ranges. The first range is the one where the species lives in its native habitat. The second range is the one where the species is...