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Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help…
Mangrove Mania: How Elevation Change and Sea-Level Rise Affect Mangrove Forests
Mangrove forests include trees and shrubs found in the tropics that have large root structures and create barriers that help protect coastlines. The mangrove forests provide protection for the villages,...
The scientists in this study wanted to identify which mangrove forests, growing in various conditions, were keeping up with sea…
My Sediments Exactly! – Can Mangrove Forest Sediments Keep up With Rising Sea Level?
The scientists in this study wanted to identify which mangrove forests, growing in various conditions, were keeping up with sea level rise.
Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found…
Sediment-al Journey: Measuring Metal Concentrations in Soil Beside Urban Waterways
Chemicals from auto emissions, industrial processes, and urban development are found in most urban areas. Two of the chemicals found most abundantly in urban areas are calcium and lead. The...
Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients…
Should Ditches be Graded? Testing Unpaved Roads with a Computer Program
Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients are carried away from the soil. The scientists in this...
Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients…
Should Ditches be Graded? Testing Unpaved Roads with a Computer Program (Spanish)
Soil erosion and sedimentation reduce the diversity of the natural environment. When soil is eroded and sedimentation occurs, important nutrients are carried away from the soil. The scientists in this...