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  • Read about efforts to model changes to land use within watersheds to help identify and prioritize watersheds with low water…

    Full Throttle Model: Using Scientific Models to Quickly Assess Water Quality

  • In this article, students will learn about how different planting elevations can affect Jeffrey and ponderosa pines’ survival, growth, and…

    Grow Where You’re Planted – Testing How New Planting Elevations Affect Jeffrey and Ponderosa Pines

  • In this edition of Natural Inquirer, you will learn about several different invasive species. Invasive species are plants, animals, or…

    Invasive Species – Vol. 8 No. 1

  • The Ka‘ūpūlehu dry forest is located on the leeward size of the island of Hawai‘i. The forest land is owned…

    Left High and Dry? Attempting to Restore a Tropical Dry Forest in Hawaii

  • The Pacific Islands Natural Inquirer examines research on a variety of topics including coastal crabs, mangrove forest and rising sea…

    Pacific Islands – Vol. 1 No. 21

  • After an area has been changed by human or natural disturbances, forest managers often engage in restoration activities. In the…

    Snake, Rattle, and Roll: Investigating the Snakes That Live in the Bosque Along the Middle Rio Grande

  • The scientists in this study were interested in learning about birds living in different sized kīpuka on the island of…

    Treasure Islands: Hawaiian Kīpuka and the Future of Native Hawaiian Birds