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In the past, scientists had estimated how much rainfall is intercepted by trees growing in rural areas. The scientists in this study…
Good to the Last Drip: How Trees Help to Reduce Pollution
In the past, scientists had estimated how much rainfall is intercepted by trees growing in rural areas. The scientists in this study wanted to know how much rainfall is intercepted by the trees that...
Most rivers in the United States are now regulated. A regulated river is one whose flow is controlled by dams.…
Toad-ally Awesome! Investigating the Relationship Between Flooding and Toad Reproduction Along the Rio Grande
Most rivers in the United States are now regulated. A regulated river is one whose flow is controlled by dams. The regulation of rivers, however, alters the relationship between rivers...
Test your knowledge on invasive species, invertebrates, and freshwater.
Word Search – Ecosystem Services
Test your knowledge on invasive species, invertebrates, and freshwater.
Test your science knowledge with a word search.
Word Search – Good to the Last Drip
Test your science knowledge with a word search.