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In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for…
Keeping It Local: How Federal Wildfire Policy Is Implemented at the Local Level
In the past, forest managers always put out wildfires. More recently, forest managers have discovered that fire can be a good thing for some ecosystems. Wildfires are now sometimes allowed to burn rather than...
People visit parks to do many different activities, such as play basketball, baseball, sunbathe, swim, walk, picnic, or go bicycling.…
Social Groupies: How Different Groups Use Urban Parks
People visit parks to do many different activities, such as play basketball, baseball, sunbathe, swim, walk, picnic, or go bicycling. If park managers know what people like to do in...
National forests and national grasslands are managed for all United States citizens. Parts of these forests and grasslands, however, may…
The Lands of Time: Understanding Land Grants in New Mexico
National forests and national grasslands are managed for all United States citizens. Parts of these forests and grasslands, however, may be leased to individuals and companies. Some individuals and companies...
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school,…
Urban Forest – Vol. 6 No. 1
What are urban forests? Urban forests are the trees and other plants that grow where people live, go to school, work, and play. Even if you live in a rural...