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As the climate changes, the tree species living in a forest may also change. This change means that some trees…
Cedar Waxing or Waning? The Potential to Save Yellow-Cedar Trees Using Adaptive Management
As the climate changes, the tree species living in a forest may also change. This change means that some trees species may die and new species may move into the...
After reading “Worming Their Way In,” test your vocabulary knowledge with this word search.
Word Search – Worming Their Way In
After reading “Worming Their Way In,” test your vocabulary knowledge with this word search.
Native earthworms are important to the health of forests. Native earthworms help maintain the forest floor by eating leaves and…
Worming Their Way In: Invading Earthworms in the Southeastern United States
Native earthworms are important to the health of forests. Native earthworms help maintain the forest floor by eating leaves and other plant materials. These earthworms tunnel and eat through soil,...