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Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s…
A Burning Question: Is An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure?
Today, Smokey continues to teach people of all ages about the importance of preventing wildfires. Just how effective is Smokey’s message? The scientists in this study were interested in learning...
In “Batter Up,” learn about how engineers designed a test to determine baseball bat breakage rates for different types of…
Batter Up: Investigating What Type of Wood Makes the Best Baseball Bat
In “Batter Up,” learn about how engineers designed a test to determine baseball bat breakage rates for different types of wood.
Put your feet up in the dugout and flip through “Batter Up!,” the final edition in the Time Warp Series.…
Batter Up! (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 17
Put your feet up in the dugout and flip through “Batter Up!,” the final edition in the Time Warp Series. In “Batter Up!”, learn about how engineers designed a test...
In this research study, scientists try to understand the impact of termites on forest wood decomposition in the Southern United…
Chew on This! Measuring the Impact of Termites on Forest Wood
In this research study, scientists try to understand the impact of termites on forest wood decomposition in the Southern United States.
The historian in this study was interested in understanding the impact of the 1910 fires on fire policy and American…
Fight or Light? The History and Impact of the Big Fires of 1910
The historian in this study was interested in understanding the impact of the 1910 fires on fire policy and American society. He wanted to know why the wildfires that burned...
Scientists can use models to simulate and predict the effects of an action. In this research in the Great Lakes…
Full Throttle Model (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 16
Scientists can use models to simulate and predict the effects of an action. In this research in the Great Lakes region, read about efforts to model changes to land use...
At the end of the “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” article, there is a glossary of terms that were…
Glossary Challenge – Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
At the end of the “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants” article, there is a glossary of terms that were used in the article. Pick four words from the glossary...
The scientists in this study were interested in looking at how prescribed fire affects longleaf pine forests and their ability…
Knock on Wood: Understanding the Relationship Between the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Longleaf Pine, Fire, and Carbon
The scientists in this study were interested in looking at how prescribed fire affects longleaf pine forests and their ability to store carbon. The scientists also wanted to know how...
Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission.…
Meet Smokey Bear’s Team
Learn about Smokey Bear’s work in wildfire prevention and meet some of the people who help him on his mission. Written for children from kindergarten through 2nd grade, “Meet Smokey...
Try this vocabulary word challenge. Fill out the provided graphic organizer answering questions about a glossary term.
My Word! Challenge – Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire
Try this vocabulary word challenge. Fill out the provided graphic organizer answering questions about a glossary term.
Mountain pine beetles are a natural part of the environment in forests of the Western United States. However, because of…
SPLAT! (Time Warp Monograph Series) – Vol. 1 No. 11
Mountain pine beetles are a natural part of the environment in forests of the Western United States. However, because of changes to the environment, mountain pine beetles have caused more...
Mountain pine beetles are a natural part of the environment in forests of the Western United States. However, because of…
SPLAT! Protecting Pine Trees in the Western United States from Beetle Attack
Mountain pine beetles are a natural part of the environment in forests of the Western United States. However, because of changes to the environment, mountain pine beetles have caused more...