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Hibernating bat populations across the Eastern United States have suffered declines since the 2000s. Little brown bat populations have declined…
Cave Conundrum: Is White-Nose Syndrome Responsible for All Declining Bat Populations?
Hibernating bat populations across the Eastern United States have suffered declines since the 2000s. Little brown bat populations have declined 70 percent or more. Populations of the northern long-eared bat...
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on…
Controlling the Rust Is a Must! Detection of a Major Gene for Rust Resistance to Fusiform Rust Disease
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on Fusiform Rust Disease has progressed over the years. There is...
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on…
Controlling the Rust Is a Must! Detection of a Major Gene for Rust Resistance to Fusiform Rust Disease (Spanish)
Fusiform Rust Disease is one of the most destructive diseases to pine forests in the southeastern United States. Research on Fusiform Rust Disease has progressed over the years. There is...
After reading the Caves and Karst edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Crossword – Caves and Karst
After reading the Caves and Karst edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Test your knowledge of genetics and fungi with a word search.
Word Search – Controlling the Rust Is a Must!
Test your knowledge of genetics and fungi with a word search.