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For each word pair, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms.
Antonym and Synonym Challenge – The Morel of the Story
For each word pair, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms.
Leaves change color in the fall. Cooler temperatures in the fall cause the chlorophyll in leaves to break down. When…
Are You Red-dy to Change? Learning What Things Affect Leaf Color Change
Leaves change color in the fall. Cooler temperatures in the fall cause the chlorophyll in leaves to break down. When chlorophyll, which is green, begins to break down in leaves,...
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!
Crossword – Climate Change Investi-gator
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!
After reading the Investi-gator (Northern Research Station), test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Crossword – Investi-gator (Northern Research Station)
After reading the Investi-gator (Northern Research Station), test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students will…
Meet Dr. Warwell!
Natural Inquirer Readers for students in grades K-2 focus on a scientist and their research. In this Reader, students will meet Dr. Warwell and learn about his research with seeds...
Wolverines, the largest terrestrial member of the weasel family, are difficult to find because they live in areas far from…
There’s Snow Place Like Home: Tracking the Range of Wolverines Over Time
Wolverines, the largest terrestrial member of the weasel family, are difficult to find because they live in areas far from humans and human development. Therefore, not much is known about...
Wolverines are the largest member of the weasel family that lives on land. They live in areas far from humans…
There’s Snow Place Like Home: Tracking the Range of Wolverines Over Time (Investi-gator)
Wolverines are the largest member of the weasel family that lives on land. They live in areas far from humans and human development. Therefore, not much is known about these...
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!
Word Search – Climate Change Investi-gator
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!
Finished reading the Investi-gator (Northern Research Station)? See how much you learned by completing one or both of these word…
Word Searches – Investi-gator (Northern Research Station)
Finished reading the Investi-gator (Northern Research Station)? See how much you learned by completing one or both of these word searches!