Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
One of the historic uses of wood was for heating. In recent years, however, most heating in the United States…
A Chip Off the Old Block: Using Wood Energy to Heat Schools
One of the historic uses of wood was for heating. In recent years, however, most heating in the United States has come from other sources of energy, such as petroleum,...
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will…
Do What You Water: The Current Situation and Possible Future of Fresh Water in the United States
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will use from the year 2000 to the year 2040.
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will…
Do What You Water: The Current Situation and Possible Future of Fresh Water in the United States (Spanish)
In this study, the scientist was asked to predict how much fresh water people living in the United States will use from the year 2000 to the year 2040.
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What are other ecosystem services provided by the Nation’s natural resources?…
FACTivity – Fill Those Potholes
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What are other ecosystem services provided by the Nation’s natural resources? To complete this FACTivity, you will use what you’ve learned...
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What is the geographic distribution of a particular tree species?
FACTivity – Moving on Up
The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: What is the geographic distribution of a particular tree species?
In this article, scientists explore the different ecosystem services provided by prairie potholes such as soil nutrients, absorbing carbon, and…
Fill Those Potholes! Identifying Ecosystem Services of Small Wetlands on the American Prairie
In this article, scientists explore the different ecosystem services provided by prairie potholes such as soil nutrients, absorbing carbon, and reducing soil erosion.
The scientists were interested in discovering whether the Pacific tree frog population might also be affected by the presence of nonnative trout, similar…
Knocked Out By Trout: The Relationship Between Nonnative Trout and Pacific Tree Frogs
The scientists were interested in discovering whether the Pacific tree frog population might also be affected by the presence of nonnative trout, similar to the way these trout had affected the mountain yellow-legged frog population....
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.
Made in the Shade: The Current Situation and Possible Future of U.S. Urban Forests
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.
Made in the Shade: The Current Situation and Possible Future of U.S. Urban Forests (Spanish)
The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.
When people go hiking or camping in back country or wilderness areas, they almost always impact the natural environment in…
Quit Yer Horsin’ Around! The Effects of Trampling on Vegetation in Montana
When people go hiking or camping in back country or wilderness areas, they almost always impact the natural environment in some way. When people use the back country, they sometimes...
When people go hiking or camping in back country or wilderness areas, they almost always impact the natural environment in…
Quit Yer Horsin’ Around! The Effects of Trampling on Vegetation in Montana (Spanish)
When people go hiking or camping in back country or wilderness areas, they almost always impact the natural environment in some way. When people use the back country, they sometimes...
Do you know anyone who has gone snow skiing or snowboarding in the past year? Over the past 30 years,…
Slip Sliding Away: Who Goes Skiing and Snowboarding in America?
Do you know anyone who has gone snow skiing or snowboarding in the past year? Over the past 30 years, outdoor activities like skiing have been growing in popularity, with...