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  • Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the…
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    Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA)

  • Much of what humans do depends on the land that we live on. No matter how much humans change the…
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    Before & After: A Look at Our Land (Land Use History of Jones County, GA) (Spanish)

  • In recent years, populations of quaking aspen have been in decline in the Western United States. Stands of aspen are…
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    Quaking in their Roots: The Decline of the Quaking Aspen

  • In recent years, populations of quaking aspen have been in decline in the Western United States. Stands of aspen are…
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    Quaking in their Roots: The Decline of the Quaking Aspen (Spanish)

  • After reading “Before and After,” test your understanding with a word search.
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    Word Search – Before and After

  • Test your knowledge about biodiversity, ecosystems, and conifers.
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    Word Search – Quaking in Their Roots