Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Hibernating bat populations across the Eastern United States have suffered declines since the 2000s. Little brown bat populations have declined…

    Cave Conundrum: Is White-Nose Syndrome Responsible for All Declining Bat Populations?

  • After reading the Woodsy Owl edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.

    Crossword – Woodsy Owl

  • The scientists in this study were interested in figuring out which landscape characteristics were more abundant in the core areas…

    Fish-ing Around – Discovering the Habitat Needs of the Pacific Fisher

  • We need trees for many important activities. Trees reduce soil erosion, reduce noise, lower temperatures, and provide habitat for animals.…

    There’s a Fungus Among Us! Developing Fusiform Rust-Resistant Loblolly & Slash Pines

  • We need trees for many important activities. Trees reduce soil erosion, reduce noise, lower temperatures, and provide habitat for animals.…

    There’s a Fungus Among Us! Developing Fusiform Rust-Resistant Loblolly & Slash Pines (Spanish)

  • Test your knowledge about Fusiform Rust Disease and inoculation with a word search.

    Word Search – There’s a Fungus Among Us!