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From 1920 to 1950, a tree species called albizia (Falcataria moluccana) was brought to Hawai‘i from islands located north and…
Don’t Litter the Stream: An Invasive Tree Species and a Hawaiian Stream Food Web
From 1920 to 1950, a tree species called albizia (Falcataria moluccana) was brought to Hawai‘i from islands located north and northeast of Australia. A fast-growing tree, albizia now grows all...
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Inquiry 2: What Benefits Do the World’s Forests Provide?
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Forests provide many benefits to people and other animals. For forests to provide these benefits, however, they must be managed…
Inquiry 4: How Well Are We Managing Our Forests Worldwide?
Forests provide many benefits to people and other animals. For forests to provide these benefits, however, they must be managed so that they remain healthy and sustainable. Although there are...
Black cohosh is a forest plant that is harvested for its medicinal use. Black cohosh is native to eastern deciduous…
To Harvest or Not to Harvest: How Does Harvesting Impact Wild Plant Sustainability?
Black cohosh is a forest plant that is harvested for its medicinal use. Black cohosh is native to eastern deciduous forests and can be found as far south as Georgia,...