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Slab avalanches are the most dangerous kind of avalanche. A slab is a layer of new snow sitting on top…
Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows: What Makes An Avalanche Happen?
Slab avalanches are the most dangerous kind of avalanche. A slab is a layer of new snow sitting on top of a layer of snow, called a weak layer. Scientists...
Slab avalanches are the most dangerous kind of avalanche. A slab is a layer of new snow sitting on top…
Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows: What Makes An Avalanche Happen? (Spanish)
Slab avalanches are the most dangerous kind of avalanche. A slab is a layer of new snow sitting on top of a layer of snow, called a weak layer. Scientists...
In this study, the scientists wanted to identify the most important elements of an experience in Gates of the Arctic…
It’s Elemental, My Dear! What Makes an Experience Different at Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve?
In this study, the scientists wanted to identify the most important elements of an experience in Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve.
People visit parks to do many different activities, such as play basketball, baseball, sunbathe, swim, walk, picnic, or go bicycling.…
Social Groupies: How Different Groups Use Urban Parks
People visit parks to do many different activities, such as play basketball, baseball, sunbathe, swim, walk, picnic, or go bicycling. If park managers know what people like to do in...
The Asian long-horned beetle is an insect pest that was discovered in New York in 1996 and Chicago in 1998. It arrived…
Tag, You’re It! Using Harmonic Radar to Track the Flight of Beetles
The Asian long-horned beetle is an insect pest that was discovered in New York in 1996 and Chicago in 1998. It arrived in the United States on wood packing material that was being used...
Some scientists believe that spending any amount of time outdoors is good for kids, and certain activities may provide more…
Time Out! How Much Time Do Kids Spend Outdoors?
Some scientists believe that spending any amount of time outdoors is good for kids, and certain activities may provide more benefits than others. Studies have shown that outdoor physical activities...
After reading “Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows,” try this word search to test what you’ve learned.
Word Search – Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows
After reading “Excuse Me While I Flow My Snows,” try this word search to test what you’ve learned.
Test your knowledge decomposers, organisms, and species.
Word Search – Leaf Me Alone!
Test your knowledge decomposers, organisms, and species.
Test your knowledge of social science and park design with a word search.
Word Search – Social Groupies
Test your knowledge of social science and park design with a word search.