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  • The question students will answer in this FACTivity is: What is the range of an animal?

    FACTivity – There’s Snow Place Like Home

  • The California gnatcatcher is a little bird with a big problem. Its habitat has been reduced 80 percent by people…

    Fighting Fire with Fire: Protecting the Homes of People and Birds

  • The California gnatcatcher is a little bird with a big problem. Its habitat has been reduced 80 percent by people…

    Fighting Fire with Fire: Protecting the Homes of People and Birds (Spanish)

  • In the Western United States, spotted knapweed is one of the most widely found nonnative plants. Spotted knapweed was brought to the United…

    Goll-ly! Don’t Take a Knapweed! The Impact of Nonnative Plants and Animals on Deer Mice

  • The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.

    Made in the Shade: The Current Situation and Possible Future of U.S. Urban Forests

  • The scientists in this study were asked to determine the current status of urban forests in the United States.

    Made in the Shade: The Current Situation and Possible Future of U.S. Urban Forests (Spanish)

  • A naturalized species has two ranges. The first range is the one where the species lives in its native habitat.…

    North of the Border: Are Nonnative Species Moving Northward As the Climate Changes?

  • Plague is an infectious disease that is transmitted to other mammals by fleas. Prairie dogs are particularly susceptible to plague.…

    Prairie Dog Days: How Fleas Transmit the Plague and its Effects on Gunnison’s Prairie Dog

  • The scientists in this study were interested in knowing whether humans and other animals can help disturbed areas of land…

    The Trees Have Gone Batty! How Bat Scat Helped Restore a Tropical Forest

  • The scientists in this study were interested in knowing whether humans and other animals can help disturbed areas of land…

    The Trees Have Gone Batty! How Bat Scat Helped Restore a Tropical Forest (Spanish)

  • The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth…

    Who Gives a Hoot? Determining the Value of Owl Habitat

  • The northern spotted owl is an endangered species that needs old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest to live. Unfortunately, old-growth…

    Who Gives a Hoot? Determining the Value of Owl Habitat (Spanish)