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After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the…
Create a Phrase – Show Me the Money
After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the other to create a phrase from the article.
After reading “Pack to Back,” test your knowledge with a word search.
Crossword – Pack to Back
After reading “Pack to Back,” test your knowledge with a word search.
Over the past 40 years, Federal and State governments have provided financial incentives to private forest landowners. In this article,…
Show Me the Money: Promoting Sustainable Forests in the South
Over the past 40 years, Federal and State governments have provided financial incentives to private forest landowners. In this article, scientists wanted to know what kind of impact these programs...
The idea of protecting lands as wilderness did not happen overnight. Before the National Wilderness Preservation System was established in…
Spotlight – Wilderness Act Timeline (Pack to Back)
The idea of protecting lands as wilderness did not happen overnight. Before the National Wilderness Preservation System was established in 1964, many people took actions that helped Americans understand the...