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Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the…
Attack of the Killer Anthracnose! Control of Dogwood Anthracnose
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the country is the dogwood. The dogwood is affected by a...
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the…
Attack of the Killer Anthracnose! Control of Dogwood Anthracnose (Spanish)
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the country is the dogwood. The dogwood is affected by a...
Some scientists think that wildlife is mostly dependent on the immediate natural area in which it lives. The scientist in…
Goldifinch and the Three Scales: Investigating Songbird Habitats Near Rivers
Some scientists think that wildlife is mostly dependent on the immediate natural area in which it lives. The scientist in this study was interested in exploring this idea because she...
Some scientists think that wildlife is mostly dependent on the immediate natural area in which it lives. The scientist in…
Goldifinch and the Three Scales: Investigating Songbird Habitats Near Rivers (Spanish)
Some scientists think that wildlife is mostly dependent on the immediate natural area in which it lives. The scientist in this study was interested in exploring this idea because she...
Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or…
On Top of Old Smokey: Computer Wind Model for Predicting Smoke Movement
Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or other debris. Often, foresters set small, controlled fires on purpose,...
Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or…
On Top of Old Smokey: Computer Wind Model for Predicting Smoke Movement (Spanish)
Wildland fires occur both purposefully and by accident. Purposeful fires include fires set by individuals to remove fallen leaves or other debris. Often, foresters set small, controlled fires on purpose,...
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks…
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Visitor Use of Natural and Landscaped Areas in Urban Parks
The scientists in this study wanted to know three things: (1) Do visitors’ activities and reasons for using urban parks vary between landscaped and natural areas of New York City...
After you read “Attack of the Killer Anthracnose!,” test your understanding with a word search.
Word Search – Attack of the Killer Anthracnose!
After you read “Attack of the Killer Anthracnose!,” test your understanding with a word search.
After reading “Goldifinch and the Three Scales,” test your knowledge with a word search.
Word Search – Goldifinch and the Three Scales
After reading “Goldifinch and the Three Scales,” test your knowledge with a word search.
After reading “On Top of Old Smokey,” test your understanding with a word search.
Word Search – On Top of Old Smokey
After reading “On Top of Old Smokey,” test your understanding with a word search.