Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
If the temperature of a stream rises too high, the animals that live in the stream may find it difficult…
Did They Make the Gradient? Climate and Stream Temperatures Now and Into the Future
If the temperature of a stream rises too high, the animals that live in the stream may find it difficult to survive. Big changes in a stream’s daytime temperature as...
Over the past decade, humans have introduced two species of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) into the Atlantic…
Lion In Wait: How Citizens Helped Scientists Identify a Rapid Invasion of Lionfish
Over the past decade, humans have introduced two species of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) into the Atlantic Ocean. These fishes have been seen in a wide range...
After an area has been changed by human or natural disturbances, forest managers often engage in restoration activities. In the…
Snake, Rattle, and Roll: Investigating the Snakes That Live in the Bosque Along the Middle Rio Grande
After an area has been changed by human or natural disturbances, forest managers often engage in restoration activities. In the Bosque, fire is both a human and a natural disturbance....
In this study, scientists wanted to examine how the harvest of horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay affects the red knot.…
Tying the Knot: How Do Horseshoe Crab and Red Knot Populations Affect Each Other?
In this study, scientists wanted to examine how the harvest of horseshoe crabs in Delaware Bay affects the red knot. The red knot is a migratory bird. The red knot...
Test your knowledge on archeology, biomass, and dendrochronology.
Word Search – Climate Change
Test your knowledge on archeology, biomass, and dendrochronology.
Test your knowledge on invasive species, invertebrates, and freshwater.
Word Search – Ecosystem Services
Test your knowledge on invasive species, invertebrates, and freshwater.