Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • The Oriental bittersweet is a vine that was transported to the United States from Asia in 1860. Oriental bittersweet escaped from gardens and…

    Hurry Up and Wait: Investigating an Unusual Strategy for Invasion

  • The scientists were interested in discovering whether the Pacific tree frog population might also be affected by the presence of nonnative trout, similar…

    Knocked Out By Trout: The Relationship Between Nonnative Trout and Pacific Tree Frogs

  • Fungi are very distinct among the plant and animal kingdoms. They are neither plant nor animal. Since they do not contain chlorophyll,…

    Spores Galore! A Look into the World of Fungi & How They Reproduce

  • Fungi are very distinct among the plant and animal kingdoms. They are neither plant nor animal. Since they do not contain chlorophyll,…

    Spores Galore! A Look into the World of Fungi & How They Reproduce (Spanish)

  • In this study, the student scientists researched if soil fertility had any effect on garlic mustard’s ability to be successful…

    The Garlic Mustard Plant: All Around and Down the Oxbow

  • Just like you and me, trees can get sick. This can happen in many different ways. One way trees become…

    The Sick Seeds: Black Seed Rot and Slash Pines

  • Just like you and me, trees can get sick. This can happen in many different ways. One way trees become…

    The Sick Seeds: Black Seed Rot and Slash Pines (Spanish)

  • Test your knowledge of fungi and spores with a word search.

    Word Search – Spores Galore!

  • Test your knowledge about fungi, seed germination, and research design with this word search.

    Word Search – The Sick Seeds

  • Test your knowledge on germination, mammals, and diversity.

    Word Search – The Trees Have Gone Batty!