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Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the…
Attack of the Killer Anthracnose! Control of Dogwood Anthracnose
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the country is the dogwood. The dogwood is affected by a...
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the…
Attack of the Killer Anthracnose! Control of Dogwood Anthracnose (Spanish)
Many diseases affect the health of trees throughout the United States. One species affected in the eastern part of the country is the dogwood. The dogwood is affected by a...
Sudden oak death is a new disease of trees and plants in the United States and Europe. Although scientists are not certain,…
Moving Spore-adically: The Spread of Sudden Oak Death in California Forests
Sudden oak death is a new disease of trees and plants in the United States and Europe. Although scientists are not certain, they believe the fungus-like organism that causes sudden oak death was brought...
Just like you and me, trees can get sick. This can happen in many different ways. One way trees become…
The Sick Seeds: Black Seed Rot and Slash Pines
Just like you and me, trees can get sick. This can happen in many different ways. One way trees become ill is through an infestation of insects or fungi. This...
Just like you and me, trees can get sick. This can happen in many different ways. One way trees become…
The Sick Seeds: Black Seed Rot and Slash Pines (Spanish)
Just like you and me, trees can get sick. This can happen in many different ways. One way trees become ill is through an infestation of insects or fungi. This...
We need trees for many important activities. Trees reduce soil erosion, reduce noise, lower temperatures, and provide habitat for animals.…
There’s a Fungus Among Us! Developing Fusiform Rust-Resistant Loblolly & Slash Pines
We need trees for many important activities. Trees reduce soil erosion, reduce noise, lower temperatures, and provide habitat for animals. Trees also provide wood and paper products, such as lumber,...
We need trees for many important activities. Trees reduce soil erosion, reduce noise, lower temperatures, and provide habitat for animals.…
There’s a Fungus Among Us! Developing Fusiform Rust-Resistant Loblolly & Slash Pines (Spanish)
We need trees for many important activities. Trees reduce soil erosion, reduce noise, lower temperatures, and provide habitat for animals. Trees also provide wood and paper products, such as lumber,...
After you read “Attack of the Killer Anthracnose!,” test your understanding with a word search.
Word Search – Attack of the Killer Anthracnose!
After you read “Attack of the Killer Anthracnose!,” test your understanding with a word search.
Test your knowledge about fungi, seed germination, and research design with this word search.
Word Search – The Sick Seeds
Test your knowledge about fungi, seed germination, and research design with this word search.
Test your knowledge about Fusiform Rust Disease and inoculation with a word search.
Word Search – There’s a Fungus Among Us!
Test your knowledge about Fusiform Rust Disease and inoculation with a word search.