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Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!
Crossword – Climate Change Investi-gator
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!
In this study, the scientists studied glaciers and their nearby rivers in Alaska. The water coming from glaciers can be…
Frozen Food: How Glaciers Provide Food for Animals That Live in the Ocean
In this study, the scientists studied glaciers and their nearby rivers in Alaska. The water coming from glaciers can be quite old and contain nutrients, such as carbon, that could...
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? The Current Situation and Possible Future of Aquatic Animals in the United States
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? The Current Situation and Possible Future of Aquatic Animals in the United States (Spanish)
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
This article looks at how long-term weather patterns affect Carolina Bay Wetlands.
What Goes Around Comes Around: How Long-Term Weather Patterns Affect Plants in Carolina Bay Wetlands
This article looks at how long-term weather patterns affect Carolina Bay Wetlands.
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!
Word Search – Climate Change Investi-gator
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!
Test your knowledge on invasive species, invertebrates, and freshwater.
Word Search – Ecosystem Services
Test your knowledge on invasive species, invertebrates, and freshwater.
Test your knowledge of freshwater, aquatic species, habitat, and conservation with a word search.
Word Search – One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish?
Test your knowledge of freshwater, aquatic species, habitat, and conservation with a word search.