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In 1964, Congress passed a law that established the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS). This law identified areas of Federal…
Can You Hear Me Now? Using the Telephone to Discover People’s Opinions About Wilderness
In 1964, Congress passed a law that established the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS). This law identified areas of Federal land to be protected as much as possible from human...
After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the…
Create a Phrase – Show Me the Money
After reading “Show Me the Money,” test your knowledge with this activity. Draw a line from one list to the other to create a phrase from the article.
The scientists were interested in discovering whether the Pacific tree frog population might also be affected by the presence of nonnative trout, similar…
Knocked Out By Trout: The Relationship Between Nonnative Trout and Pacific Tree Frogs
The scientists were interested in discovering whether the Pacific tree frog population might also be affected by the presence of nonnative trout, similar to the way these trout had affected the mountain yellow-legged frog population....