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Climate change can change the breeding patterns of some animals. Breeding patterns refer to when and how animals reproduce, including…
Amphibious Assault: How Climate Change May Affect Amphibian Breeding
Climate change can change the breeding patterns of some animals. Breeding patterns refer to when and how animals reproduce, including how many young an animal has and how often. If...
Many changes have occured in the Rio Grande since the 1940s that have created a river that is deeper and…
By the Light of the Silvery Minnow: Can Young Minnows Be Taught About Their Natural Foods?
Many changes have occured in the Rio Grande since the 1940s that have created a river that is deeper and faster. This has created problems for the Rio Grande silvery...
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!
Crossword – Climate Change Investi-gator
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!
After reading the Southwestern United States Investi-gator, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
Crossword – Southwestern United States Investi-gator
After reading the Southwestern United States Investi-gator, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? The Current Situation and Possible Future of Aquatic Animals in the United States
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish–No Fish? The Current Situation and Possible Future of Aquatic Animals in the United States (Spanish)
The scientists in this study were asked to develop information about the status of and trends in aquatic animal species populations across the United States.
In many places where martens live, trees are harvested for wood products, leaving martens with an environment very different from…
There Goes the Neighborhood: The Disruption of American Marten Habitat
In many places where martens live, trees are harvested for wood products, leaving martens with an environment very different from the forested one they prefer. When tree harvesting occurs, the...
In many places where martens live, trees are harvested for wood products, leaving martens with an environment very different from…
There Goes the Neighborhood: The Disruption of American Marten Habitat (Spanish)
In many places where martens live, trees are harvested for wood products, leaving martens with an environment very different from the forested one they prefer. When tree harvesting occurs, the...
Wolverines, the largest terrestrial member of the weasel family, are difficult to find because they live in areas far from…
There’s Snow Place Like Home: Tracking the Range of Wolverines Over Time
Wolverines, the largest terrestrial member of the weasel family, are difficult to find because they live in areas far from humans and human development. Therefore, not much is known about...
Wolverines are the largest member of the weasel family that lives on land. They live in areas far from humans…
There’s Snow Place Like Home: Tracking the Range of Wolverines Over Time (Investi-gator)
Wolverines are the largest member of the weasel family that lives on land. They live in areas far from humans and human development. Therefore, not much is known about these...
The scientists in this study were interested in learning about birds living in different sized kīpuka on the island of…
Treasure Islands: Hawaiian Kīpuka and the Future of Native Hawaiian Birds
The scientists in this study were interested in learning about birds living in different sized kīpuka on the island of Hawai‘i. Kīpuka are like islands of forest surrounded by hardened...
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!
Word Search – Climate Change Investi-gator
Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!