Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!
For each word pair, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms.
Antonym and Synonym Challenge – The Morel of the Story
For each word pair, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms.
Test your knowledge on water, invasive species, and ecology.
Crossword – Woolly Bully
Test your knowledge on water, invasive species, and ecology.
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
Inquiry 2: What Benefits Do the World’s Forests Provide?
Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.
This inquiry explores the range of benefits forests provide to people and to the environment.
Inquiry 3: What Do Forests Do for the World’s Environment and its People?
This inquiry explores the range of benefits forests provide to people and to the environment.
Mushroom hunting is just one of the terms used to describe searching for wild mushrooms. Other terms include mushrooming, mushroom…
Spotlight – What Is Mushroom Hunting?
Mushroom hunting is just one of the terms used to describe searching for wild mushrooms. Other terms include mushrooming, mushroom picking, and mushroom foraging. Learn more about mushroom hunting in...
Mushroom hunting is a specialized skill that takes years to learn. Wild mushroom species are difficult to identify, and many…
The Morel of the Story: Comparing Scientific Research with Local Mushroom Hunters’ Knowledge of Morel Mushrooms
Mushroom hunting is a specialized skill that takes years to learn. Wild mushroom species are difficult to identify, and many wild mushrooms are poisonous. No one, therefore, should eat a...
Black cohosh is a forest plant that is harvested for its medicinal use. Black cohosh is native to eastern deciduous…
To Harvest or Not to Harvest: How Does Harvesting Impact Wild Plant Sustainability?
Black cohosh is a forest plant that is harvested for its medicinal use. Black cohosh is native to eastern deciduous forests and can be found as far south as Georgia,...
Water is constantly moving throughout the natural environment. Some scientists study the flow of water into, out of, and held…
Woolly Bully: Estimating the Effect of an Invasive Insect on an Area’s Water Cycle
Water is constantly moving throughout the natural environment. Some scientists study the flow of water into, out of, and held within particular natural areas. Trees play a role in the...
Test your knowledge on invasive species, runoff, and humidity.
Word Search – Woolly Bully
Test your knowledge on invasive species, runoff, and humidity.