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  • The scientists in this study developed a process to help managers identify management priorities. As conditions change over time, the…

    At Your Service: Developing Models to Help Natural Resource Managers Make Better Decisions

  • Read about efforts to model changes to land use within watersheds to help identify and prioritize watersheds with low water…

    Full Throttle Model: Using Scientific Models to Quickly Assess Water Quality

  • Do you know anyone who has gone snow skiing or snowboarding in the past year? Over the past 30 years,…

    Slip Sliding Away: Who Goes Skiing and Snowboarding in America?

  • Do you know anyone who has gone snow skiing or snowboarding in the past year? Over the past 30 years,…

    Slip Sliding Away: Who Goes Skiing and Snowboarding in America? (Spanish)

  • The idea of protecting lands as wilderness did not happen overnight. Before the National Wilderness Preservation System was established in…

    Spotlight – Wilderness Act Timeline (Pack to Back)

  • Many different types of birds live in riparian forests. In this study, the scientists were interested in black-chinned hummingbirds that…

    That’s a Humdinger! Black-Chinned Hummingbird Nesting in Response to Forest Treatments

  • The emerald ash borer is an invasive species that uses ash trees for reproduction and food. Their activity ultimately kills…

    The Emerald Ash Borer: An Ash Tree’s Worst Enemy!

  • Globalization causes many things to happen. For the scientists in this study, globalization has increased the spread of invasive species.…

    Think Outside the Box: Predicting the Spread of Invasive Species

  • Test your knowledge on natural resources, outdoors recreation, and sample size.

    Word Search – Slip Sliding Away