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  • Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) once could be found from southeastern Virginia to eastern Texas. Longleaf pines are not usually killed…

    aPods Rule! What Happens to Arthropods Following a Wildland Fire?

  • Particulate organic matter (POM), which consists of small pieces of twigs, leaves, soil, and other items found in the water,…

    Caribbean Cruise: Examining the Movement and Quality of Organic Matter Over Time From Two Caribbean Watersheds

  • Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps…

    Ecosystem Services – Vol. 12 No. 1

  • The scientists in this study wanted to identify which mangrove forests, growing in various conditions, were keeping up with sea…

    My Sediments Exactly! – Can Mangrove Forest Sediments Keep up With Rising Sea Level?