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Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) once could be found from southeastern Virginia to eastern Texas. Longleaf pines are not usually killed…
aPods Rule! What Happens to Arthropods Following a Wildland Fire?
Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) once could be found from southeastern Virginia to eastern Texas. Longleaf pines are not usually killed by fire. Because these pines need open spaces to survive,...
Particulate organic matter (POM), which consists of small pieces of twigs, leaves, soil, and other items found in the water,…
Caribbean Cruise: Examining the Movement and Quality of Organic Matter Over Time From Two Caribbean Watersheds
Particulate organic matter (POM), which consists of small pieces of twigs, leaves, soil, and other items found in the water, is an important component of an ecosystem and the food...
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps…
Ecosystem Services – Vol. 12 No. 1
Ecosystem services are the benefits that nature provides through natural processes. For example, plants provide clean air, natural fire helps cycle nutrients, and bats act as insect control. Ecosystem services...
The scientists in this study wanted to identify which mangrove forests, growing in various conditions, were keeping up with sea…
My Sediments Exactly! – Can Mangrove Forest Sediments Keep up With Rising Sea Level?
The scientists in this study wanted to identify which mangrove forests, growing in various conditions, were keeping up with sea level rise.