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The nun moth is a major pest of conifers and an occasional pest of broadleaf trees in Europe and Asia.…
And Then There Were Nun: Trees That Could Be Endangered by a Nun Moth Invasion
The nun moth is a major pest of conifers and an occasional pest of broadleaf trees in Europe and Asia. The scientist in this study wanted to discover which trees...
Lumber is an important product from trees. When two countries export goods to one another, international policies may exist to…
Goodbye Nematodes! Heat-Treating Southern Pine Lumber
Lumber is an important product from trees. When two countries export goods to one another, international policies may exist to prevent the spread of destructive organisms that live in the...
Lumber is an important product from trees. When two countries export goods to one another, international policies may exist to…
Goodbye Nematodes! Heat-Treating Southern Pine Lumber (Spanish)
Lumber is an important product from trees. When two countries export goods to one another, international policies may exist to prevent the spread of destructive organisms that live in the...
In recent years, populations of quaking aspen have been in decline in the Western United States. Stands of aspen are…
Quaking in their Roots: The Decline of the Quaking Aspen
In recent years, populations of quaking aspen have been in decline in the Western United States. Stands of aspen are now mixed with conifer trees. Each year, fewer aspen-dominated stands...
In recent years, populations of quaking aspen have been in decline in the Western United States. Stands of aspen are…
Quaking in their Roots: The Decline of the Quaking Aspen (Spanish)
In recent years, populations of quaking aspen have been in decline in the Western United States. Stands of aspen are now mixed with conifer trees. Each year, fewer aspen-dominated stands...
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need…
Turn that Radio Down! Tracking the Busy Life of Flammulated Owl Dads
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need a location convenient to a food supply suitable for baby...
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need…
Turn that Radio Down! Tracking the Busy Life of Flammulated Owl Dads (Spanish)
When pairs of flammulated owls get ready to reproduce, they must find a place to build their nest. They need a location convenient to a food supply suitable for baby...
Test your knowledge of the lumber industry and nematodes with a word search.
Word Search – Goodbye Nematodes
Test your knowledge of the lumber industry and nematodes with a word search.
Test your knowledge about biodiversity, ecosystems, and conifers.
Word Search – Quaking in Their Roots
Test your knowledge about biodiversity, ecosystems, and conifers.
After reading “Turn That Radio Down!,” test your understanding with this word search.
Word Search – Turn That Radio Down!
After reading “Turn That Radio Down!,” test your understanding with this word search.
After reading “Worming Their Way In,” test your vocabulary knowledge with this word search.
Word Search – Worming Their Way In
After reading “Worming Their Way In,” test your vocabulary knowledge with this word search.
Native earthworms are important to the health of forests. Native earthworms help maintain the forest floor by eating leaves and…
Worming Their Way In: Invading Earthworms in the Southeastern United States
Native earthworms are important to the health of forests. Native earthworms help maintain the forest floor by eating leaves and other plant materials. These earthworms tunnel and eat through soil,...