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The scientists who worked on this study wanted to focus on the effect of people’s environments on their mental health.…
A Green Bill of Health – Can Vacant Lot Treatments Impact Mental Health?
The scientists who worked on this study wanted to focus on the effect of people’s environments on their mental health. The scientists identified vacant lots throughout Philadelphia. They wanted to...
For each word pair, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms.
Antonym and Synonym Challenge – The Morel of the Story
For each word pair, identify whether the pair are antonyms or synonyms.
Denali National Park in Alaska has one of the largest reported golden eagle nesting populations. Golden eagles are legally protected…
The Golden Egg: Using Adaptive Management To Regulate Hiking Near Golden Eagle Nests in Denali National Park
Denali National Park in Alaska has one of the largest reported golden eagle nesting populations. Golden eagles are legally protected to help the population survive. Park managers were not sure...
Mushroom hunting is a specialized skill that takes years to learn. Wild mushroom species are difficult to identify, and many…
The Morel of the Story: Comparing Scientific Research with Local Mushroom Hunters’ Knowledge of Morel Mushrooms
Mushroom hunting is a specialized skill that takes years to learn. Wild mushroom species are difficult to identify, and many wild mushrooms are poisonous. No one, therefore, should eat a...
Globalization causes many things to happen. For the scientists in this study, globalization has increased the spread of invasive species.…
Think Outside the Box: Predicting the Spread of Invasive Species
Globalization causes many things to happen. For the scientists in this study, globalization has increased the spread of invasive species. If scientists can predict the spread of invasive species, the...