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  • Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this crossword puzzle!

    Crossword – Climate Change Investi-gator

  • The question you will answer in this FACTivity is: How do forest termites contribute to the carbon cycle? Materials: Ruler…

    FACTivity – Chew on This!

  • In this study, the scientists studied glaciers and their nearby rivers in Alaska. The water coming from glaciers can be…

    Frozen Food: How Glaciers Provide Food for Animals That Live in the Ocean

  • In this inquiry, scientists wanted to know how much carbon is held on Earth by the world’s forests. They also…

    Inquiry 4: What Do the World’s Forests Have To Do With Climate Change?

  • Mussels are very sensitive to changes in the environment which makes them good indicators of the health of an aquatic…

    Mussel Mania: How Streamflow Affects Freshwater Mussels Over Long Time Periods

  • In 1908, the Forest Service established a system of experimental forests and ranges (EFRs) to be set aside for environmental…

    Spotlight – Harrison Experimental Forest

  • Test your knowledge after reading the Climate Change Investi-gator with this word search!

    Word Search – Climate Change Investi-gator