Welcome to our website’s resource library, where we offer an extensive collection of free science materials tailored for K-12 students. Dive into a wealth of educational resources including articles, activities, lesson plans, learning modules, and much more. All materials are free to download!

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  • Open forest ecosystems, like those of longleaf pine or loblolly pine, are managed with regular fires to support native plants…

    A Flame Changer – How Fire Diversity Affects Bee and Butterfly Populations

  • Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) once could be found from southeastern Virginia to eastern Texas. Longleaf pines are not usually killed…

    aPods Rule! What Happens to Arthropods Following a Wildland Fire?

  • After reading the Caves and Karst edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.

    Crossword – Caves and Karst

  • After reading the Woodsy Owl edition of Natural Inquirer, test your knowledge with a crossword puzzle.

    Crossword – Woodsy Owl

  • Test your knowledge on food chains, endemic species, and germination.

    Crossword Puzzle – Pacific Islands

  • In this FACTivity, you will assess and compare two trees. The questions you will answer are: 1) What is the estimated…

    FACTivity – FACELook

  • The question you will answer in the FACTivity is: Were there more acres of streets or sidewalks covered by street…

    FACTivity – I’ve Got You Covered

  • The scientists in this study were interested in figuring out which landscape characteristics were more abundant in the core areas…

    Fish-ing Around – Discovering the Habitat Needs of the Pacific Fisher

  • The trees that grow along urban streets are called street trees. Some street trees are planted between the street and…

    I’ve Got You Covered: The Amount of Pavement Covered by Street Trees

  • Learn about the many benefits that different types of forests provide.

    Inquiry 2: What Benefits Do the World’s Forests Provide?

  • The scientists in this study were interested in comparing the water use efficiency of trees. They wondered if the water…

    Streaming Live: How Do Streams Affect How Well Trees Use Water?

  • Many different types of birds live in riparian forests. In this study, the scientists were interested in black-chinned hummingbirds that…

    That’s a Humdinger! Black-Chinned Hummingbird Nesting in Response to Forest Treatments